So flash forward to 2013! I'm in the process of updating the blog, if anyone has even noticed, if I even have any followers anymore! A lot has happened in the last couple of years and I thought maybe writing would be a little therapeutic for me. If anyone is still out there, hello!
First of all, I apologize for the insanely awful pictures that have been plastered across the screen since the birth of this webpage. Apparently I've learned a lot about photography since then, or else I have been completely spoiled by the quality of the iPhone camera and the ability to use Instagram. I'm thinking it's the being spoiled. And I try to promise better pictures in the future. Sheesh!
Second of all, there is no second of all. I just want to say that if there is anyone still reading, welcome back! I have grand visions of laying on my new hammock in the cool fall breeze with my computer, writing my daily updates to unwind from the day... We'll see what happens, and thank you for joining me on my ride :).
Happy Saturday!